eye of a heart
In questioning why we wear what we wear I have come to a place of experiencing garments as materialized relationships between myself and existence. These relationships unfold amidst varying degrees of oneness and multiplicity.
As I question this for myself, I invite you to question these relationships - especially where oppression intersects with resonance.
Mending and reglowing clothes is a direct and subtle way to reconnect with our capacity to tend to this transformation – materially, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.
read about our process here
presence flows through webs of associations
breath and pulse, oceanic shores
we recognize our perpetual presence
through a pulse of weaving
draping on a living being, a dance emerges through (presence)
dancing through the spaces that the garments once held
releasing, and reconnecting opens new spaces
we invite you to tune in to our sewing ritual live streams as we cultivate garments
as we open space of perpetual presence
you are welcome to craft along, ask questions, and comment
you are also welcome to revisit any recorded episode as you feel called
see our live schedule
each series constitutes one garment in this collection